Monday, April 19, 2010

You Might Be a Crossfitter if...

  • you know Thrusters aren't as fun as they sound.
  • you put bumper plates and kettle bells on your wedding registry.
  • it takes you longer to recover from the workout than to do it.
  • you can yell "Nice Snatch" in a room full of ladies and not get slapped.
  • you jerk for time.
  • you workout in a box, not a gym.
  • when traveling, you wonder if you can kip on the hotel shower curtain bar.
  • someone stares at you with a "you're craaaaaazzzzzyyy" look after you describe your WOD.
  • a manicurist turns you away.
  • you believe in sweat angels.
  • your affinity with other Crossfitters is instant and sincere.
  • you refresh your browser every 30 seconds after 9pm.
  • you've learned not to say "That looks easy".
  • you don't understand why tomorrow's WOD can't be posted at 7:30am.... after you just finished today's at 7:15am.
  • you can come home, tell your wife "I did Barbara today!" and she congratulates you.
  • you find yourself bragging to people how sore you are.
  • you will do 3 on, 1 off come hell or high water.
  • you would be pissed if the box closed on Easter, Xmas, New Year's or July 4th.
And my personal favorite:
  • you've seriously considered installing handicap bars in your OWN toilet.


  1. I dig the list! And yes, Kyle would be in big trouble if he came home and announced that he "did Barbara"
