Friday, March 5, 2010

Crossfit 101

Desire.  Grit.  Pain.  

Those are the 3 key ingredients of Crossfit.  Mine seems to be a little heavy on the pain :D  The name of my gym is Crossfit 540, but this is about my first two weeks, so 101 is apropos.  Honestly, the first two weeks should be called "Crossfit - Holy Mother of Hell, You Have to Be F---ing Kidding Me - 101".

The owners of the gym are two of the best people you'll meet.  Most people start a business to make money.  I have no doubt that is their goal as well.  But when you meet them, you see the passion in their eyes.  They want you to succeed, not because you pay them but, so that you, well…. Succeed.

As I said before, I have a radial club but it doesn't stop me.  HOWEVER, it does present challenges for a workout like Crossfit.  Fully 2/3's of the exercises require some modification for me.  Most of the time I come in, I know what to do.  Sometime, Trev has already thought about what I could do differently.  If neither one of us have, we figure it out together.  The one thing he never substitutes is the PAIN.  I get it just like everyone else.   There are days you actually feel nervous about the workout!! LOL

So… the first two weeks were a blur of burpees, pull-ups, wall-balls.  Workouts named after women: Barbara, Fran, ......Sarah Jessica Parker.  More pull-ups, sit-ups, squats… and more burpees.  I hate Burpees....HATE. A mean, nasty hate.   I started hurting 10 mins after the first workout.  (Editor's note:  The "women workouts" are so tough, they have to be named in "honor" of the founder's ex-wives.  People swear the names are from the original female cross-fitters.  I think that's bullshit. LOL) 

I was told I would feel a "little soreness and discomfort" the first two weeks.  HA.  My proctologist told me I would "feel a little pressure"....... Liars

The first two weeks of Crossfit, I couldn't walk.  Or sit.  Or lay down.  As my friend Kate said, "I'm considering installing wheelchair handles in the bathroom".   Crossfit works because it works EVERYTHING.  CF 101 was close to debilitating for me, but remember, I'm a 40 year old fat guy w/ 1 arm.  Most of the people coming to Crossfit are already in great shape and looking to take it to the next level.  I show up and totally blow the grading curve for everyone!

After two weeks, I started to move away from the dramatic soreness and into a more consistent "workout sore".  In that small time frame, my core became stronger than it had been in 15 years.  Also in that time frame, something else gets stronger.  I call it "Crossfit pride"...

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