Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Really Used to Be Fit!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so my writing will be brief.  Those that have only known me for a few years may not believe I used to be really athletic.  I also used to have a mullet.  I have pictures to prove both are true :D

A few months ago, with my lovely wife:

I am probably at my highest weight ever in this picture, a whooping 305.  It was a great weekend in Austin, hot and with my personal thermostat all goofed up, I sweat the entire time.

 Now, this is me back when I was a health nut.  I ran 3 miles a day, weight lifted 4 x a week, basketball or kayaking all weekend.  I ate like a horse (and anything I wanted), drank beer like a champ, but I was still in great shape.  If I could only bottle a 20 year old's metabolism and energy...

Picture of me as an athlete:
 Peachtree Road Race - 10k

And while it may look like I photoshopped my head on the body, notice the right arm.  That is too hard to photoshop :D

Finally, to prove I had a mullet :D


  1. NO WAY!!!! Now that takes balls of steel to post your mullet picture. Your fellow proctoids need to wallpaper your cube with that picture immediately. :)

  2. Wow! I think in honor of you being fit again, you should bring back the mullet.
