Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Progress Update on the Fat Guy!

Things are progressing well for the Fat Guy so I thought it was time for a progress update.  The Fit part:

Starting Weight: 300
Current Weight: 279
Muscle gain: 6 - 10 lbs (estimate)

Starting Blood Pressure: Borderline Hypertension
Current BP: Normal (down 20 points)

Starting Resting HR: 70 - 75 Beats per minute
Current: 60 - 62 BPM

Fat % pre and post: getting measured this weekend.

Starting Pull-ups: Used heavy duty purple band for assists

Current: Using mid-range black band, kipping much better.

Starting Condition for CF:  Suffered imminent heart attacks about every 30 seconds, saw flying unicorns through most of the workout, believed my eyes were bleeding, wished pain on all the people already finished.
Current:  Only 1 - 2 imminent HAs per session, no more seeing things and no longer want to kill people finishing ahead of me.

I still only have 1 arm with full range of motion.  And I'm still 40.