Thursday, March 4, 2010

So What Happened?

For those of you that know my wife, you understand what a great person she is.  The single most important trait she has, for me, is that she loves me for who I am.  When we married, I was in shape, feeling great, and full of energy.  As I declined over the years, her love for me never changed.  Period.  I would feel worse about myself, but she never gave a single indication that she was unhappy with my changes.  She would encourage me and offer to do things to help me get back in shape, BUT … only in response to my complaints.  Never unsolicited.

I remember one day distinctly.  I was bitching about my weight and shitty habits (and my job LOL).  She told me that she thought a personal trainer might be a good idea.  I told her, a little forcefully, that "When I'm ready, I'll do it.  I'm clearly not ready.....  I don't know why, but I'm not!"  It is, was, and probably always will be one of the truest things I've ever uttered.  I wasn't ready. 

Personal trainers don't motivate me.  No one motivates me.  I motivate me.  I'm tougher on me than anyone else will ever be.  Dunno what drives that, probably being ridiculed as a child... but no one can push me harder than I push myself.  I wasn't ready and dammit, no one could tell me otherwise.

But she kept her suggestions and encouragement coming.  Then it happened.


She told me about the Belline's and their new gym called "Crossfit 540".  She told me it was different and I might like it.  That was all she said.  She told me Kate went and to ask her about it.  That's how my wife does it.  She lets me decide.  She's so damn smart.

Kate confirmed it was… different.  I visited one day with my son, committed to come back for the Foundations class.   I did and it scared me a little.  Check that... it scared the hell out of me.  I get choked up now thinking back... because I had no idea what was to occur.

To some, it's just a gym… it's just a workout.  But to me… it's where my life took one huge leap toward "better".  It happened during my second workout.  I knew it.  Desire.  Motivation.  Drive.  They came back and landed right on my aching shoulders.

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